RE:We sinhalese love pakistan and hate india.
by Beachy Babes on Feb 10, 2008 09:15 PM Permalink
then tell me why do not you give equal rights to the tamils living in srilanka? if you give them equal rights, india will not behave badly with you.
RE:RE:We sinhalese love pakistan and hate india.
by anandhi on Feb 10, 2008 10:26 PM Permalink
I am sure that this message deleted was written by a guy across border to the west of India; Time and again I have sen these people implanting stories and watching the reactions in the message board; Dear Indians, pl. be aware of these crooks who have nothing else to do other than to blow themselves[mentally and physically]
RE:RE:We sinhalese love pakistan and hate india.
by Blueyes on Feb 10, 2008 10:35 PM Permalink
Sinhalese Hate India and love Pakistan?? For any crisis in your Country its India who has given the Helping Hand and not the infamous Pakistan. Remember Tsunami?? How can you ppl talk so immaturely?? No wonder Pak and SL are never developing and lying still in drains.First learn loyalty only then Bark.