India, a great land with great past is now a home of terror from educated hindus that throgh such boards are given a platform to spread their ignorance, hate and terror against the minorities. The kind of rubbish and abusive language and hatred that is promoted by this board suggests that its a section of hindus that need to be educated. It is apparent from these boards that hindu fanaticsm and extermism is the biggest problem of our country. Abusing the minorities and their belifs only paint a sorry picture about hindus and he current hinduism and shows the terror and hatred that educated hindus seem to posess. Shame on you for destroying the real ethos of India and Hinduism.
RE:Terrorism and hatred
by Confused Mind on Feb 11, 2008 07:57 AM Permalink
What you are seeing is an universal problem. And when one person has a problem with everyone, then it is that person who has to change, otherwise, they will perish because of their own unreasonable stubbornness. You are lucky to be in India. Others would have taken action long back. You do not practice Buddhism against Goondaism, that will be foolish for your own survival. One can never drop guard. You forgive sometimes, but never forget the trouble makers.
RE:Terrorism and hatred
by bawlachintu on Feb 11, 2008 08:09 AM Permalink
the world of hatred that bigots like you propgate. Open up your minds you moron and come out of your evil shells.
RE:RE:Terrorism and hatred
by sabkabaap on Feb 11, 2008 08:24 AM Permalink
so is all forms of hide yourself as the law will get bigots like you.