If you are in Aasam- behave like aasamese If you are in TN- Behave like true tamilian. Superstar Rajni is good examaple If you are in Nagaland- Behave like a true Naga
By constitution, you have right to settle anywhere, but what is not written and its by common sense- wherever u settle, always respect local cultre and local sentiments. nowdays you call chennai, not madras. you call kolkata, not calcutta. Then why you call bambai/bombay rather than mumbai? is it arrogance or who cares attitude? These small issue will give chance to Raj T.
RE:next action for biharis/upwallas
by Rebel on Feb 07, 2008 05:47 PM Permalink
There are any number of South Indians who stay in Delhi and do not speak Hindi ...so in that sense they do not respect local culture ....
and whom does Delhi belong .????
shud South Indians be driven away from Delhi by that logic ....
RE:RE:next action for biharis/upwallas
by Sahadevan KK on Feb 07, 2008 05:52 PM Permalink
Rebel, i never said people should be driven away. What you must understand, as long as you respect local culture, you won't be in trouble. Southies are in delhi too. I don't think, they really create threat to local culture.
RE:next action for biharis/upwallas
by MGR Fan on Feb 07, 2008 05:49 PM Permalink
Why shoudl South Indians be driven out of Delhi? Delhi is national capital and all state people have equal rights. Delhi is not just a Punjabi/Hindi city, it is an all india city.
RE:RE:next action for biharis/upwallas
by Rebel on Feb 07, 2008 05:55 PM Permalink
Exactly .... No one shud be driven out of any city if you are a citizen of India .... I was answering to the Mr.Commie's comment on respecting local culture .... I still have'nt understood how someone who works for 15 hours a day for Rs.100 and lives on the fringes of this city in subhuman condition can "destroy" local culture ...
RE:next action for biharis/upwallas
by MGR Fan on Feb 07, 2008 05:57 PM Permalink
Correctly said.. Mumbai is such a great city with wonderful economy because of contribution by the low paid but hard working UP/Bihar workers.
Those who worry about Marathi people , should approach our pResident of India Prathiba patil and ask her to solve the Vidharba farmer suicide.
RE:next action for biharis/upwallas
by Sahadevan KK on Feb 07, 2008 05:46 PM Permalink
Gujrati & Marwari community is spread all across india. But what they did, they adpoted local culture/local language. They might be talking within themselve with their mothertongue, but within society, they always talk in local language. Even in chennai too, they are. But local tamilians never opposed them. I am pretty sure, even in small towns from maharshtra, you will find them. Such a perfect blending with local culture. Thats why, there are most successfull communities among India.
RE:RE:next action for biharis/upwallas
by Rebel on Feb 07, 2008 05:50 PM Permalink
Wrong ....again.....
FYI ... Gujaratis and Marwari's staying in Mumbai do not speak Marathi ...I stay in a locality which constitutes 60% maharashtrians and remaining Gujus ....not a single Guju speaks Marathi ...
I don't think you are from Mumbai ...Mr. Commie u are definitely from Kolkata or from JNU ...
So just shut up ....and comment only when we discuss communism....