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Deshmukh dare not arrest Raj...
by Peter Parker on Feb 07, 2008 06:06 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

He knows that Raj has stuck a chord with the marathi manus. By arresting him, deshmukh would effectively lose the coming elections. He knows that as much as any one else. Here are my suggestions to resolving this problem
a. Make Marathi a compulsory subject in college.
b. Put a 1000% tax on movies, plays, dramas, cable tv, books, periodicals, magazines, websites within maharashtra.
c. Teach all maharashtrians martial arts and dissimilar combat tactics, just in case we need to protect ourselves during civil war.
d. All beaurocrats and other employees within the state of Maharashtra must pass a marathi competency examination.
e. Allow 50% of the top jobs within the state to be filled via promotions as opposed to stupid IAS exams.
f. Do not issue any more ration cards to hindi speaking people.
g. Clean up all the slums in the Mumbai Pune region.

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  RE:Deshmukh dare not arrest Raj...
by Rebel on Feb 07, 2008 06:11 PM   Permalink
Go to Vatican ...u don't belong to this land ...this is the internal matter of Indian's

and stop writing in English and join "Mantralay or Sachivalay" as a peon..

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  RE:Deshmukh dare not arrest Raj...
by AVV on Feb 07, 2008 06:12 PM   Permalink
Cleaning up slums will solve the problem.. no need for anything else.

But if slums are cleaned up UPA will not get elected in mumbai

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The above message is part of the Discussion Board:
Raj arrest: State seeks legal advice