If you are in Aasam- behave like aasamese If you are in TN- Behave like true tamilian. Superstar Rajni is good examaple If you are in Nagaland- Behave like a true Naga
By constitution, you have right to settle anywhere, but what is not written and its by common sense- wherever u settle, always respect local cultre and local sentiments. nowdays you call chennai, not madras. you call kolkata, not calcutta. Then why you call bambai/bombay rather than mumbai? is it arrogance or who cares attitude? These small issue will give chance to Raj T.
RE:next action for biharis/upwallas
by on Feb 07, 2008 05:10 PM Permalink
sot the shivaji park rally (desh bacho andolan) conduted was it to respect local culture and establish peace in comuunity ..or was it to create and show the strength... leaders know it better
RE:next action for biharis/upwallas
by MGR Fan on Feb 07, 2008 05:17 PM Permalink
Sahadevan, I thought you are a life member of CPIM, when did you join MNS ? What a change...