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UP & Bihar also needs to inrtospect
by Aakash kumar on Feb 07, 2008 04:55 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

While it is criminal to threaten any indian from visiting/staying in any part of the country, there is a need for the politicians of UP and Bihar to inrtospect their failures. It appears that the UP and Bihari leaders only bother about getting elected and then start plundering the state exchequer instead of concentrating on the welfare of their own people. They feel that it is upto the rest of India to take care of their people and they dont need to do anything. Poor people from these two states mainly are left to lead miserable lives in Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore etc. And the leaders buy plots and bunglows also in Delhi, Mumbai and Kolkata...instead in their own states. It is high time that all sane political leaders of India should first urge MNS to stop this anti constitutional act, and then urge on the leaders of Bihar and UP to concentrate on the welfare of their states instead of plundering the state money.

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  RE:UP & Bihar also needs to inrtospect
by deep dar on Feb 07, 2008 05:04 PM   Permalink
What's strange is the people of these states vote again and again for filthy people like Mulayam, Mayawati and Laloo...
In my view, it's the fault of the people.

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