Let's cool down and think for a while. I am marathi, and I say Raj's means were wrong, and Mumbai is for all Indians, and current violence warrants arrest of Raj. Having said that let's look at some facts. Population of Mumbai : 60 lakhs north Indians, 20 lakh south indians, 30 lakhs marathi & gujrathi speaking each. Now tell me which metropolitan city in India, or for that matter in the world would have natives reduced to minority in their own states with this magnitude. Even here I don't have problem, as Indians they can go wherever, can celebrate whatever their heart desires. It's their right. But now let' try to inject politics in it, and see how it looks. There are here great, but is it not fair to expect them to promote native langauge, culture. Now that north Indians have reached critical mass, they vote enblock to their learders form UP. Tell me what business has Mulyam Singh Yadav, Amar Singh has holding political rally in Mumbai. Is it because they know they are getting northies votes. These are the same people who voted them in their UP and Bihar and look what they have done to their states. This is the rael problem. We may call Raj a chuvanist and clean the real problem under carpet, but unless the root cause is addressed, there will be Raj in every prosperous state. And for this to discontinue, the people who move should blend in native culture and be part of it by keeping their own identity, and not elect or promote same goons they have elected in their home sta
RE:north indian
by Nandakishore More on Feb 08, 2008 08:49 AM Permalink
You are right on. In the last Loksabha elections Govinda won from the North Mumbai seat defeating Ram Naik. Govinda rallied for and won with all the Northie votes defeating Ram Naik a veteran, respected, dedicated social worker and longtime MP from this area.
RE:north indian
by CM JHA on Feb 08, 2008 07:27 AM Permalink
Without Mumbai, Maharashtra is not different from UP and Bihar. And if you talk about Mumbai, then it has been flourishing right from its creation. It has the potential to become one of the top cities in the world. But this can happen only if more people come to Mumbai. More people means more tax to government. Do you know out of total tax collected by the Indian govt, 40% comes only from Mumbai.
Instead of discouraging north indians to enter Mumbai, politicians should invest more time and energy in continuous development of the city.
Calcutta had similar problem 30 to 50 years ago. Look at them now.
If you block Mumbai from north indians or any people, then I am sure after couple of decades, Mumbai will become Calcutta and some other cities like Bangalore, Hyderabad or may be Patna will become Mumbai - the hub of developmental activities.
Development of any city lies in the hands of its people. I am from Bihar, lived in UP for a couple of years, have spent 10 years of my professional life in Mumbai before coming to USA 5 years ago. I am called indian (with respect) here and used to be called bihari (with disrespect). But I have learnt in my life that- More people means more strength to develop its cities. Now it is upto the politicians of Maharashtra to decide. People will adjust accordingly. This world is a big place for all of us to live.
RE:north indian
by on Feb 08, 2008 08:12 AM Permalink
To CM JHA's point, you are right, 40% of total tax comes from mumbai. How does it help mumbai's cause, who's infrastructure is overburden to handle the influx? How much of the 40% is put as an investement in mumbai. Let's take it further, trains which is the lifeline of mumbai, how much of return on investment on infrastructure is invested in mumbai? Investment should follow economics and not politics. Why there are more trains each year in Bihar, than in Mumbai. This is the real issue that needs some thinking and political will and vision which unfortunately none of the policians from maharashtra or rest of india has.
RE:north indian
by VirarChurchgate on Feb 08, 2008 08:18 AM Permalink
Hey Bihari Bhaiya, Your quote"More people means more strength to develop its cities "
Most populous states; UP and Bihar yet the most stinky states; your logic?
If more Biharis keep coming to US it wont be long before US will start look like Bihar
RE:north indian
by Swati Gupta on Feb 08, 2008 07:01 AM Permalink
Will winning 3-4 seats in mumbai make a difference in Maharashtra politics? I am sure that there might be very few northies outside mumbai in MA.
RE:north indian
by A p on Feb 08, 2008 07:09 AM Permalink
The OP has very valid points. I am born in Pune but my roots are in UP. But I consider myself as one hundred percent Maharashtrian. Also, I would urge the OP to look at it from this angle. Mumbai is a special city which has been built and nurtured by people from all over India. In fact, it is one state in itself.