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Shot violators of Law.
by mafatlal sheth on Feb 07, 2008 04:46 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

Any one indulgingin violence should be shot dead by Machine Gun, no need for lathi charge or tear gas straight fire and shot dead these Goondas and anti social elements, those destroying public property or destroying Taxi or private property should be shot dead at once, let some 10 or 20 thousand Goondas and anti social elements die and see there will be no violence in future anywhere in country but these Governments has no courage, see in China such elements are shot dead at once and so China has progressed like anything to day and we are far more behind them.

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  RE:Shot violators of Law.
by DMK Buster on Feb 07, 2008 04:50 PM   Permalink
Yeah, when "north indian" interests are at stake, these biayyas shout from rooftop. Let these bhaiyyas look at their own state. UP/Bihar are one of the most lawless states in India. Bureaucracy is the most spineless in BIMARU states. In fact, police must shoot the criminals in these two ststes. Set your own house in order before accusing others. No one forced these bhaiyyas to come to Mumbai. If you fellows are that talented, why don't you improve your own state. If you don't like Marathas/Maharashtra, you have a choice to go back to Bihar/UP. As simple as that.

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  RE:Shot violators of Law.
by Nisha Shukla on Feb 07, 2008 04:59 PM   Permalink
wow, so much hatred. Indeed northern states are unfortunate to have lawless society and boneless political leaders. However it is really shameful that a few of Mumbai people are so much obsessed with hatred that they want their own leaders to spread hate. I can never understand when rest of the country is growing; a few people from the most developed city of India are talking about spreading violence killing North Indian and crap like that.

Terrorism in all form is bad and people who support terrorism are worse than terrorist. Dude get a life. Learn how to live in society else get lost.

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  RE:Shot violators of Law.
by Sunit Kumar on Feb 07, 2008 05:04 PM   Permalink
Nisha Shukla ab ye kahake aapne to haath dho diye lekin aage kyaa hogaa....UP BIhar waise hi rahega kyaa ?

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  RE:Shot violators of Law.
by kshma srivastava on Feb 07, 2008 05:01 PM   Permalink
Its all administration problem. Attack of insecure neta raj thakrey for marathi, itself proves that they are not capable to compete with the UP and bihari people. U or no one can ever say who has to come to mumbai n who has to go back from mumbai. When politicans have used UP and bihar just for politics n left no job opportunities for the talented people like u said. Those talented people had to migrate to mumbai for jobs. They earn, save n live life. If u r troubled n insecure with their earning, go n improve ur talent.

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  RE:Shot violators of Law.
by DMK Buster on Feb 07, 2008 05:05 PM   Permalink
Why don't you improve your talent in the gutters of Bihar/UP?

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  RE:Shot violators of Law.
by Rohit Singh on Feb 07, 2008 05:04 PM   Permalink
DMK Buster- are u a juvenile!!! Howlarious suggestion!
Its Indian constitution that gives every citizen the right to stay and make a living in whichever part of the country he wishes to.
Aisa karne ke liye tere baap/maan se permission lene ki jaroorat nahin hai.
If u dnt believe in Indian constitution- u may as well move out of this country. Are u packing ur bags yet?
As far as setting "your own house in order" is concerned- entire India and by that logic, Maharashtra too is our house and we will set it in ORDER very soon.
But ur asinine comments notwithstanding, we should definitely work towards developing Bihar/UP/Maharashtra/entire country on an urgent basis. Our motto is "Hindustan Hamara" and not "Bihar/UP/Maharashtra hamara".

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  RE:RE:Shot violators of Law.
by DMK Buster on Feb 07, 2008 05:10 PM   Permalink
Joke of the day: Bihar/UP bhaiyya claiming to improving things in India. At least, improve your house first !!!!

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  RE:RE:Shot violators of Law.
by mafatlal sheth on Feb 07, 2008 05:20 PM   Permalink
I am not advocating shot dead anti social elements in Maharshtra, it relates to all the states, even if there is violence and destroying of public property in UP,Bihar or any other state there also these Goondas should be shot dead my friend,destroying public property is a loss to the nation.

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  RE:Shot violators of Law.
by on Feb 07, 2008 04:48 PM   Permalink
that the difference between india and china ..have you been there my friend ??

try it ... and you may discover the other half unsaid and unseen reality

anyways ... shooting and killing is not solution...

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Raj arrest: State seeks legal advice