by DMK Buster on Feb 07, 2008 04:46 PM Permalink
Yeah, when "north indian" interests are at stake, these biayyas shout from rooftop. Let these bhaiyyas look at their own state. UP/Bihar are one of the most lawless states in India. Bureaucracy is the most spineless in BIMARU states. In fact, police must shoot the criminals in these two ststes. Set your own house in order before accusing others. No one forced these bhaiyyas to come to Mumbai. If you fellows are that talented, why don't you improve your own state. If you don't like Marathas/Maharashtra, you have a choice to go back to Bihar/UP. As simple as that.
by on Feb 07, 2008 04:55 PM Permalink
you people can only do things in your own street if you have a Dare then come to UP and do say this.I am sure you will remember this for your whole life.
by DMK Buster on Feb 07, 2008 05:00 PM Permalink
Its our Maharashtra. We did not invite you to Mumbai. You creeps came here to survive. We dont' need to come to UP/Bihar. Look at the state of affairs of UP/Bihar. Its a stinking mess. We would love to see all you creep bhaiyyas going back to the gutter you came from.