It is high time that ethics should be taught in medical colleges.Health ministry and Medical Council of India should investigate all medical malpractices promptly and seriously.I don't remember any time when stress was given on ethics in my medical college.It is a matter of great shame that we talk about " dharma, good, and bad" so much in Indian society and yet corruption and unethical practices are an accepted norms in all walks of life.Let's wake-up our conscience and change the way we think.Then only can India shine.
RE:kidney transplants
by lakshmanan sowmianarayanan on Feb 01, 2008 03:38 PM Permalink
There is absolutely no ethics in the medical field. Only money is the consideration.Please probe the nexus between testing labs,scan centers,drug manufacturers and the doctors. Lots of innocent patients are robbed of their hard earned money by unwanted tests etc. Today they are forcibly removing kidneys. If this goes on unchecked tomorrow they may even kill people to take organs.The concept of medical tourism needs a relook. Is it a way to rob poor indians of their organs to be sold to foreigners.
RE:kidney transplants
by Sincere Citizen on Feb 01, 2008 03:51 PM Permalink
There are no ethics in our security agencies too, how do you think such large scale operation went un noticed by the cops for so long ?
RE:kidney transplants
by Asad Parwez on Feb 01, 2008 04:08 PM Permalink
The doctors these days cannot be ethical even if you teach them ethics as they take admission into medical colleges after giving huge capitation fees and their only motive is to earn money after they Graduate.They consider giving this capitaion fee as an investment which will give return once they complete their studies.