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Wooing minorities thru minority pampered Govt?
by S S on Aug 05, 2008 12:42 PM   Permalink

Minorities are swallowing the majority The Christians with their political clout and foreign money power are trying to destroy the Hindu communities of Kerala. When I speak out against this bias I am branded a Hindu communalist but I don t care The Muslims who constitute 17 percent of Kerala s population own almost all the schools and colleges in the six districts of north Kerala. Arabic is taught in schools at government expense Missionaries invade Tirupati also with the blessing of Christian CM.areas of five hills are being used to distribute hand bill and books on Christianity. Garlanding of Lord Venkateshwara picture in Venkateshwara University in Tirupati has been stopped. Photographs of Hindu Gods have been removed from Padmavathi Women s University. Vice Chancellor has kept a photograph of Jesus Christ on his table. Christians have been appointed to discharge temple duties in violation of the temple norms.

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