RE:speed up conversions
by Avinash on Aug 05, 2008 02:59 PM Permalink
Despite all the patronate of the European colonizers and some forced conversions (Goan inquisition)the Christian population in India is 2.34% only as per last Census. Except for fooling a few gullible natives, there is no way they increase the head count by conversion in 21st century!
RE:speed up conversions
by Guest on Aug 05, 2008 03:51 PM Permalink
Nobody forces anybody 2 convert. People convert becoz they want to.And what last census r u talking abt. did u conduct it yourself? Chiristians r a mojarity in this world n they will always b, followed by muslims!
RE:speed up conversions
by JGN on Aug 05, 2008 03:54 PM Permalink
They may be majoirty in the world (but comprises more than 300 sects, some of them fighting with each other even now) but in India it is just 2.34% as per last Census conducted by the Govt of India. People convert due to igorance and inducement. As simple as that.
RE:speed up conversions
by Truly Indian on Aug 05, 2008 04:04 PM Permalink
Christians are only 2.34% and we Hindus say that Christians are converting. We Hindus are getting converted to Islam of late it seems. Muslim count is getting on increasing. Lets not get converted to Christianity, better opt for Islam.
RE:speed up conversions
by JGN on Aug 05, 2008 04:15 PM Permalink
They are increasing only due to multiplication like rats. No sane person will convert to islam after watching the activites of the muslims the world over.