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by Madhu Anand on Aug 05, 2008 02:09 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

its another smart ways to coversion poor hindus
to stupid xianties. true do not belive the
fusion of reglion.

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by true tamilan on Aug 05, 2008 02:20 PM   Permalink
Your white masters came and made Hindus poor swamiji. They built some missionary schools and hospitals while killing millions of Indians. You are one of the by products of such schools and hospitals.

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by true tamilan on Aug 05, 2008 02:14 PM   Permalink

God in Bible says I am an angry and jealous god. If you worship any other god, I will punish you. As a christian, you can have only Christ as the saviour and you tend to look down upon other human being's beliefs.

Hindu believes that there are different ways to attain salvation. My way is not the only way. I accept and respect others beliefs. I do not try to convert and brainwash people to accept my way of reaching salvation. For example, I may worship Lord Muruga or Goddess Mariamma. But I will not look down upon somebody worshipping Ayyappa or somebody worhsipping Vaishno Devi. If I go to other temples, I worship there also. Hinduism is an inclusive religion. While abrahmin religions excludes, rejects and look down upon others beliefs

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Bible with reference to Hindu scriptures