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by Grahastan on Aug 05, 2008 02:25 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

Dear Swamiji hinduism is the only religion that worships animals, plants and trees. By worshipping them we preserve them and ensure that the ecosystem is in tact.

This ecofriendly initiative was taken by hinduism few thousands of years ago. Since you have an apteizer to eat these animals and you dont have funds to preserve them you have converted to christianity where you currently enjoy these animals in your food.........

we are Very happy to discard a brutus from hinduism

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by alice springs on Aug 05, 2008 02:27 PM   Permalink

there is a saying "where there is nature you dont require gods"

no religion ever infused nature with sprituality like the way Santhana dharma did .

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by true tamilan on Aug 05, 2008 02:26 PM   Permalink
This father has to report his boss about the progress of work. Boss siting in Vatican has set a target of souls to be harvested. Boss has told the subordinate to do localization of christianity wherever possible

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by My Outlook and views on Aug 05, 2008 02:31 PM   Permalink
my dear friend grahastan...even rama was a the ramayana carefully and see that wen he was banished into a forest, he said that he will now long for the meat that he used to eat...also in the rig veda, indra is supposed to be eating the flesh of 300 the puranas there are various references to animals which shud be sacrificed and eaten... please check urself... if u dont find it i will tell you the chapter and the verse where u will find it... but i doubt if u ever will find cause i am sure u have none of these boks in your house...(majoroty of the so called hindus dont have the vedas which are supposed to be supreme...LOL...TALK ABOUT DOUBLE STANDARDS!)

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by Avinash on Aug 05, 2008 02:52 PM   Permalink
My Outlook and views, hinduism is not a religion in its narrow sense. it is a conglomeration of various beliefs and even atheism. Atheists existed even in Vedic and were known as Charvakas.

There is no single book the hindus consider as "holy-book" like the followers of semitic religions. The teachings of hinduism are spread in hundreds of books.

The Veda primarily dealing with rituals is Yajur Veda and it is mostly about worship of "Indra, Agni, Varnua, etc" Pl read Volga to Ganga to know how the "invisible god" was invented when people lost faith in those concepts. The Christianity and Islam originated much later in history and they also assimilated many of the oral traditions of the primitive tribes. Modern humanbeings are presumed to be originated in Africa and spread to various parts of the world. So there could be some similarities in the beliefs/customs, etc.

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by true tamilan on Aug 05, 2008 02:34 PM   Permalink
Who said that Hindus hold vedas as supreme. Hindu is someone who accepts the fact that there r different ways in attaining salvation. Lot of hindu scriptues have shown the path. It is upto each of us to choose the path which want to traverse.

Regarding non-vegetarianism, India has the largest percentage of vegetarians in the world and that is because of their religious beliefs.

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by My Outlook and views on Aug 05, 2008 02:38 PM   Permalink
salvation frm what???

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by My Outlook and views on Aug 05, 2008 02:53 PM   Permalink
In the Samyuta Nikaya (111,1-9) we have another description of a Yajna performed by Pasenadi, king of Kosala. It is said that five hundred bulls, five hundred calves and many heifers, goats and rams were led to the pillar to be sacrificed. Also see...Ramayana 2:20, Ramayana 4:17:34., Visnusmrti 51:6, Rigveda (10/85/13) , Rigveda (6/17/1)

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by My Outlook and views on Aug 05, 2008 02:37 PM   Permalink
dont take medicines and stop brushing ur teeth and dont cook vegetables as well... u r killing the germs present in ur body and the vegetables....

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by alice springs on Aug 05, 2008 02:41 PM   Permalink
ha ha ha out of logic ,type some thing crap ..isn't my_outlook????

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by My Outlook and views on Aug 05, 2008 03:06 PM   Permalink
hahahahaha...its not nonsense..its sense...the hindu conviction about animals is based on your stupid belief in the doctrine of reincarnation....The prohibition of eating beef was applied in later stages in Hindu society. Mahatma Gandhi could not accept slaughtering of cows and he insisted the Hindus on sacrificing their lives to protect cow. This had so much influence on people that even the secular leader like Nehru could not remove the prohibitory order of non-killing of bullocks from the Hindu society." -- Avijit Roy.

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Bible with reference to Hindu scriptures