HINDUISM is different from ALL other religions on TWO points: 1) No single PROPHET declared as the ONLY ONE through whom salvation is possible 2) No single dogma or series of dogmas you HAVE to ACCEPT before you can call yourself a HINDU.
This religion had evolved into a "way of life", "a way of thought" by the time of the INDO-SARASWATHI CIVILISATION - 7,000 to 2,500 Before Christian Era.
1) There are many PROPHETS in Hinduism. But not a single one felt, he was the only one IMPORTANT. Every Hindu Prophet believed his IDEAS AND TEACHINGS were more IMPORTANT than him. Prophets carrying divine inspiration or extraordinary spiritual insights will come in EVERY AGE, "Sambavami Yuge, Yuge" declared our Lord Krishna Vasudeva. Each will REINFORCE THE SAME MESSAGE: It is: "Hey, Manava, this earthly life is for YOUR SPIRITUAL AND INTELLECTUAL EVOLUTION. You are your own FIRST FRIEND and your own FIRST ENEMY. You it is who must make the effort to clean yourself." Hence it is that the Great VEDA is summed up in the Universal Hindu Prayer: ASATHOR MA SAT GAMAYA THAMASOR MA JYOTHIR GAMAYA MRUTHYOR MA AMRUTHAM GAMAYA
No Prophet, No Dogma, are any good without the individual achieving progress in his/her intellectual and emotional persona.
Hindu Wisdom has avoided serious conflicts in India. But if Mid-East religions continue to eat into Hinduism, the world would be deprived of this Wisdom. Or, Hinduism may have to develop some manner of resisting.
RE:Dogmas are the Problem with Most Religions
by dhaval vyas on Aug 05, 2008 07:54 PM Permalink
That's the half sentance. and Half santence are very dengerous some time. By the way, it means, ( will born in many yugs ) there is no word for "yug" in english.