Across the world,the conversion from christianity to other religions like Islam,Bhuddism,religionless Atheism is drastically increasing.Europe and africa are witnessing high conversion from christianity to Islam..i guess vatican bosses must be worried now.. So Christian missionries are aggresively targeting asia.If u visit south korea,u can witness their convertion operations even in train staions!
RE:Christianity is losing grounds !
by Guest on Aug 05, 2008 03:43 PM Permalink
Mr Knowall, hav u travelled d world? u hav people begging u 2 convert 2 Hinduism by distributing free Bagwadgitas on Australian roads! Chiristians DO NOT HAV D NEED 2 CONVERT ANYONE! People convert to christianity becoz THEY WANT TO! And what conversion rate r u taking about? Do u know how many millions of people in d world r converting 2 christianity from Islam, hinduism, buddhism n Atheism? Know ur facts right! Tts people like u who r worried about the conversion rates to christianity! N christian missinories r helping asian countries where people like u live!
RE:Christianity is losing grounds !
by R JAIN on Aug 05, 2008 04:04 PM Permalink
Hey Guest, Hindus do not believe in proselytization. U have to be lucky to be born a hindu. No amount of purification/ indoctrination can convert a person condemned to be born a christian or muslim into Hindu.
RE:Christianity is losing grounds !
by JGN on Aug 05, 2008 04:18 PM Permalink
Yes, any donkey can become a Christian or Muslim by conversion but not a Hindu, though some organizations like Arya Samaj and Iskon are converting a few persons to their "version" of hinduism.
RE:Christianity is losing grounds !
by JGN on Aug 05, 2008 04:00 PM Permalink
Yes, people convert to Christianity as a dead jew on a stick is holding all the entry tickets to heaven!!!!!!!!!!! majority of Christians in UK are turning atheists and they are not even able to find enough Priests/Nuns as the youngsters are not willing to take up the profession. The vacancies are filled up by importing Indian Priests/Nuns into UK!!!!!!!!!The less we talk about the "help" from the Christian missionaries, the better.