1>Africa - Been there done most of that, where possible, elsewhere there is already lot of conflict.
2>US - LAWSUITS is costing a lot of money cant invest is US any more. Pedophiles priest are proving to be very expensive.
3>China - The left parties and Muslims in china are extreme, but olympics have created a lot of openings.
4>INDIA - Politicians will come out of the way to help get votes. DIVIDE n RULE principle, lets divide Indians, focus on dalits and lets convert them using love or FORCE. There are loads of people to convert and no1 to stop the church. Lets try to us aarti, saris, bindis, mangalsutras and other common items to avoid too much of focus on converts. They should easily blend in.
Now the next thing is to convert Hindus. For that the church is using geeta.
TIME TO RISE! Conversion by will is ok, we cannot stop, but we should STOP conversion by force and by bribing -- The church has a typical modus operandi
1>Open Orphanage or Hospital 2>Say jesus is providing free food and medicine. 3>Get poor people used to the free food, clothes, medicine, alocohol etc. 4>Then one fine day ask them to attend church and then only get all the free stuff... 5>After couple of weeks CONVERT THEM!!!
RE:Chalo Convert Karain
by galilio on Aug 05, 2008 04:57 PM Permalink
Conversion is well planned strategy of missionaries.Vatigan has an intelligence wing called ''OPPUSDEI'head office in spain with newworks throughout the world.they have datas of all indian villages pincodes so that their aim is to establish churches in all indian villages.they appoint residents agents under whom many workers would work to propogate jesus as sole saviour to the world.missionaries are able to spread their network in india to following types of people- politicians,their sons/daughters (M K and his family are example)cine actors/cine actress, directors,cameromen,editors ect in cinefield. medial persons,journalists,news reporters,local news papers ect, social workers,hospitals,nurses doctors ect,fine arts fields like dances,music and lyric writters ect,.Apart from this,now christians erect at the entraces of any city or town, tall statue of jesus at entry point to give impression of their network.they are the parasites of earth which should be weeded out of earth by uniting hindus together.