Mr. Manoj nair,we appreciate your valuable comment on this article.To some extent, really many christian organisation's attitude should be changed.But,being a diciple or devotee of Lord Jesus is not at all hindrance to me, an Indian.Lord Jesus Christ alone is the supreme necessity for human being in this universe and it includes my motherland India too.It doesn't matter either you are a high caste brahmin in India or an uneducated and low caste fellow from Africa.But,my dear brother, don't compromise with the very truth that Lord Jesus Christ died for you,me and for the whole world (and for India too) to set us free from the bondage of sins or avidhya. Simply, you can't compare vivekananda with Lord Jesus.Swamij's teachings are like a golden jewellery to be wore on our body.But,it is Lord Jesus alone who made our moksha/liberation possible by being a neel kantha( blue throat) by dying on the cross.So, I think our holy scripture also will support(Geetha-18:40) that we all are under 'triguna'.so,my dear brother,please wear the ornaments and tell others about that.But,lets pray for India and let us accept Lord Jesus Christ as your very personal saviour(Ista devada)to be a bondage free humanbeing because Jesus loves India.Otherwise you,or India, may have all the world's good teachings without having in abundance!(Lord Jesus in John 10:10)Hope you will refer the mentioned scriptures and try..Jesus alone to save your life. Br.RABIN DUTTA/Br.LIJO from Kolkata.
RE:Jesus loves India
by true tamilan on Aug 05, 2008 02:07 PM Permalink
My dear preacher, God in Bible says I am an angry and jealous god. If you worship any other god, I will punish you. As a christian, you can have only Christ as the saviour and you tend to look down upon other human being's beliefs.
Hindu believes that there are different ways to attain salvation. My way is not the only way. I accept and respect others beliefs. I do not try to convert and brainwash people to accept my way of reaching salvation. For example, I may worship Lord Muruga or Goddess Mariamma. But I will not look down upon somebody worshipping Ayyappa or somebody worhsipping Vaishno Devi. If I go to other temples, I worship there also. Hinduism is an inclusive religion. While abrahmin religions excludes, rejects and look down upon others beliefs
RE:Jesus loves India
by Rationalist on Aug 05, 2008 02:17 PM Permalink
How do you know that Jesus died for your sins only? He died like everybody dies. And if sets you free from bondage of sins does it mean you are licensed to sin without any responsibliyt for your actions?
there is a saying "fools are destined to be fools" fits u aptly.
you have forgotten abt all the holyness of Bharat and its beautiful ideology but got relegated to a position where u prey to a jew called jesus and call him the saviour of the world ....LOL