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by chaddi wala on Aug 05, 2008 08:10 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

what do think on conversion?

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by west on Aug 05, 2008 08:19 PM   Permalink
once foreign money stops coming to india, all christians will again be back to hinduism. so don't burn the bridges with hinduism at any cost.

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by Mind Clear on Aug 05, 2008 08:15 PM   Permalink
Neither archaic religion, nor pseudo modernity can save humanity. People who will continue to succeed are the one's who will keep on pushing their body and mind, to excel in skills, knowledge, performance and productivity and seek the same in others. Organized religion is organized madness. That's why all developed countries are secular and have one-law, uniform civil code, gender equality and keep their focus on passion, performance and productivity using people, resources, priorities. Conversion is confusion; just waste of time and energy.

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by JGN on Aug 05, 2008 08:23 PM   Permalink
I can only sympathize with people who desert their own culture for alien culture. The converts are neither fish nor fowl. We can obsrve it from our surroundings itself.

Though those who converted to Christianity feel that the European Culure is great (I have seen the messages of some people like "let us get rid of the monkey culture and hail the great European culture, etc) and the Muslims think that the culture of 7th century Arabia was much better than what exists today.

Neither the European Christians consider the converted Indians as equals to them nor the Arabs consider the muslims from the Indian sub-continent as equal to them (in fact the Arabs refer to all Indians - irrespective of religions - as "hindi miskeen (wretched Indians). Still the Indian muslims swear by some imaginary "Ummah"!!!!!

If you are not satisfied with your religion, fight the system from within and try to make the difference to the society. I do not even want the Christians/Muslims to change their belief but they should change with the time.

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Bible with reference to Hindu scriptures