The Bible very clearly instructs to go spread the word--meaning conversion to christianity.
The BIGGEST point of contention "the only way to heaven is through Jesus Christ the son of GOD" this has extremely strong implication/impact of/on conversion. This says that the followers of rest of the religions will go to hell. FEAR mongering and ridiculous.Sadly this is white mans attempt to even MONOPOLIZE heaven. Its so ridiculous, that any educated person will refrain from even discussing this.
I was entirely educated in English medium schools run by missionaries, we had to start our day with the lord's prayer. Were canned if caught speaking in Hindi.
Christianity has matured to use social programs and money to convert people world wide, Indians in Carrabian Islands, Blacks in USA and Africa etc. Versus Muslims who are still in the infancy stage use the sword.
By referencing the Indian Hindu Philosophical/religious scriptures they are ONLY reaffirming the Universality of the teachings.
There is a lot of commonality in the Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Jainism,Christianity, Jewish VERSUS Islamism.
I am happy to hear that there has been a muslim terrorist attack in China. This is the same country that has been supporting Pakistan in every way against India. Hopefully it will wake up to the reality of what India has been facing for a long time. USA and Europe has woken up to reality of the muslims true nature of the ANIMAL.
RE:Hindu Philosophy and Chtristainity........
by west on Aug 05, 2008 06:38 PM Permalink
By referencing the Indian Hindu Philosophical/religious scriptures they are ONLY reaffirming the Universality of the teachings