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Don't fall in this trap
by tamil boy on Aug 05, 2008 11:09 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

Don't fall in this trap.
They will use this to divide us again.
our religion is rich and complex. It will take a lifetime to master and undertand its meaning and beauty - can people see this is just an attack un us? This has nothing to do with Religion or God? It's just a plain and simple attack on us Indians.

Just like muslim converts think they were not Indian - soon the Christian converts will see us as alien.

Guys this is not something to brush aside- it will cause trouble in the South if its not contained.

I am not a RSS or hardcore, come use your brain and think?

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  RE:Don't fall in this trap
by r patil on Aug 06, 2008 12:11 AM   Permalink
Iam suprised to see your comments.I have seen you hating north indian an dtheir GOd.All vedas,upanishad and gita is written by North Indian,now you guys specially dravidian fake hindus will also start hating anything related to North india(though Iam from karnataka).
Anyway guys have pondered most us have shiva as our kuldevata even the kashmiri pandits are saivities ,but we still dont hate any God belonging to hindu panthon be it siva,Ram,ganesh.

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  RE:Don't fall in this trap
by tamil boy on Aug 06, 2008 12:42 AM   Permalink
mate - we donot hate - we just think South India is the best- the Noth is just second best - nad Kanadigas are cheap copy of Tamils

But - this is just a delibereate attempts to break Hindusism.

North South or even the kanidigas bashing can wait.

If we do "hara Kiri" now, then we will not be able to do North Indian or Kanadiga bashing anymore- because all these identities will simply vanish - look at Aghanistan and Pakistan - they are countries without a soul.

But for me - forget about all this foreward thinking.

India has to be preserved so that I can do North Indian and Kanadiga bashing.:-)

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  RE:Don't fall in this trap
by p s on Aug 06, 2008 02:46 AM   Permalink
r patil is a paki using Indian name

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  RE:Don't fall in this trap
by Srinivas vishnu on Aug 06, 2008 09:55 AM   Permalink
Pakis/jihadis don't have / talk sense. If you find some sense, then you can be assured about the origins

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Bible with reference to Hindu scriptures