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Shocking & Cruel Comments
by Ahmad Nawaz on Aug 04, 2008 08:06 AM   Permalink | Hide replies

I am shocked by by some of the comments on this board. I am Muslim but I cannot imagine somebody saying "130 less mouths to feed" or that they're poor and nobody is affected by their deaths! First of all all human beings are created equal and second if some happen to be less fortunate and poor you should thank Allah for blessing you with whatever you have. Whenever anybody, Muslim or non-Muslim dies we are supposed to recite a line which translates into "We all came because of God and we all shall return to Him". And that is to make all the living people feel humble and realize that NOBODY is immune or immortal and that the GUY WHO DRIVES A MERCEDES will leave as empty handed as the GUY WHO PULLS THE RICKSHAW! And that is the truth. God does not like anybody's pride or arrogance no matter what they follow and who they are. That. IN fact we are constantly told that the rich amongst us have more explaining to do upon dyeing as we have to answer why we did not feed that dying beggar when we were going out to dine at a five star restaurant. This is a sick mentality that all desis possess.

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  RE:Shocking & Cruel Comments
by Mahesh on Aug 04, 2008 08:14 AM   Permalink
I agree with you. People can be so cruel is shocking. We have no right to tell the West that they don't value our lives because we don't value them ourselves.

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5 killed in Himachal temple stampede