That bedouin atleast had guts to say he was messenger of God and not Claimed to be God himself. For you people your 36 crores humans claimed themselves to be God. Many of whom were Rulers in their respective states and some foolish people like you gave them status of God. As for this particular incident we feel sorry for the people who lost their lives and all our support to their families.
RE:To you D.Satya !!!!
by Supersecualirist on Aug 04, 2008 11:12 AM Permalink
God is that power which ensures perfection in all actions. God's actions are such that these give maximum benefit to maximum number of people for a maximum length of time. Every human being has innate power in himself to replicate this God's trait. And such human beings who do similar acts are always worshipped in all places at all times in all circumstacnes. Jesus Christ has been attributed with similr qualities. However, the person who is the cause of death and destruction for over 1400 years cannot be equated with such Great Souls.
RE:To you D.Satya !!!!
by Avinash on Aug 04, 2008 10:12 AM Permalink
The more the better. If I depend on only one, if he is busy attending to some one else when I need I am stranded. At least there would be some stand-by for those who beleive in many gods!!!!!!!!!!
RE:RE:To you D.Satya !!!!
by Avinash on Aug 04, 2008 10:30 AM Permalink
Then why are you claiming that there is only "one god"? There can be many gods!!!!
RE:To you D.Satya !!!!
by caspi on Aug 04, 2008 10:35 AM Permalink
avinash, thts wht we r sayin... One God concept. Not like one God for evry particular Job.
RE:To you D.Satya !!!!
by caspi on Aug 04, 2008 10:38 AM Permalink
Wht u think...its a government office is it !! where in evry person has differnt job??? One for rain,one for fire, One for .....and so onnnnnnnnn. LOLZZZZZZZZZ...wht a concept
RE:RE:To you D.Satya !!!!
by Devavrata Satya on Aug 04, 2008 10:46 AM Permalink
Why not, Mr. caspi?
You see, whenever you say that God is one and cannot be many, you are placing a limitation of what he can or cannot do. God can be zero, can be one, or can be many. There is nothing that God cannot do.
I am sorry, but your concept of God is awfully limited. Think for yourself. Explore other philosophies. Don't be content believing what you have been taught.
RE:To you D.Satya !!!!
by Devavrata Satya on Aug 04, 2008 10:37 AM Permalink
That is correct Mr. caspi. Like a company has different departments for performing different functions, different gods do different jobs.
When you want to use your imagination, why confine it to one god only? Why not let it run wild and invent many gods?
RE:RE:To you D.Satya !!!!
by caspi on Aug 04, 2008 10:41 AM Permalink
Grow up Deva, Here we r tlkin abt God n Not any comapny which has differnt dept.. How can u even think this way, i pitty on u... Suppose, wht if one dept in ur God's section has a leave !!! then tht dept job is closed down for a day...LOLZZZZZ...wht a concept of many Gods & there depts...
RE:RE:RE:To you D.Satya !!!!
by Devavrata Satya on Aug 04, 2008 10:50 AM Permalink
If someone is on leave in your company, does that department or the company close down? No! Someone else takes over that function for a day!
Yes, we are indeed talking about God, and it is you who I pity, because you are placing a limitation on him by saying that he can only be one. That itself is a blasphemy.
RE:To you D.Satya !!!!
by Avinash on Aug 04, 2008 10:39 AM Permalink
The illiterate Arabs could not think creatively like the Indians! So they confined their imaginations to one god!
RE:RE:To you D.Satya !!!!
by Devavrata Satya on Aug 04, 2008 10:53 AM Permalink
What is so sick in keeping options?
You see, Mr. caspi, it is because of remarks like this that I oppose your religion. Your religion makes you believe that your way of worship alone is correct, and everything else is sick, and those doing it deserve to be conquered on earth, and burnt in hell after death.
RE:To you D.Satya !!!!
by caspi on Aug 04, 2008 10:43 AM Permalink
yeah, not like sick people like u... keeping options in God also.. if not this, then the other one..keep changing as per ur wimps...
In fact, the pre-Islamic Arabs, who the Prophet despised so much, were quite imaginative and creative people. They only made the one mistake that history does not forgive - they lost to the Prophet and his monotheistic marauders.
What guts do you think it needs to claim that the only God is talking only to you and everyone needs to believe in your claims or face eternal hellfire? We can find many such gutsy people in history. Nowadays, we put them in mental asylums.
What is the harm in allowing people to decide for themselves who is God and whom to worship? But your great religion and its wonderful God are extremely afraid of other gods. You God throws a tantrum when other gods are worshipped, like a spoilt child does when you buy a toy for his brother or sister. Like a mafia boss, he loves those who praise him, but makes threats to those who are infidels(rival gang) or apostates(left his gang)!
RE:To you D.Satya !!!!
by Avinash on Aug 04, 2008 10:30 AM Permalink
As per the scheme of things of the "most merciful creator" 83% of the world's population are rightful owners of hell fire!!!!!!!!
RE:RE:To you D.Satya !!!!
by Devavrata Satya on Aug 04, 2008 10:39 AM Permalink
Not to forget that the Prophet himself saw, on the night of Meraj, that most inhabitants of hell were women!