by anu on Aug 04, 2008 08:40 AM Permalink
on one hand you say america is great in your name and on the other you spit on that country too. which one are you loyal to?
by Manu on Aug 04, 2008 08:47 AM Permalink
Its not his loyalty, which is in question, but his hatred. He has a problem with us and would be ready to fight just for the sake of satisfying his hatred. Poor guy, one more caught in the web of hatred.
by Manu on Aug 04, 2008 09:05 AM Permalink
Bajrang dal is formed by Hindus, who are Indians. You are a fan of Bajrang dal in Orissa and Orissa is in India. You said, "Hinduism is nuthing but third...." and "not loyal to darkie stinky..." - If you are not an Indian, you need to educate yourself with some knowledge about the composition of India, but if you are an Indian, boy, you have attitude problems. Good luck. No hitting with a wall. bye
by Manu on Aug 04, 2008 09:54 AM Permalink
Pls think. To think silence is required. We will move to a different corner and talk. Just kidding bro... this is a forum to talk, battle against each other's words - agree or to dis-agree. Its not allowed to keep quiet coming to a forum to talk.