The mishap is a result of gross negligence of the govt which failed to regulate the movements of the pilgrims despite knowing that there would be such a surge of devotees on the annual celebration.This is an eye opener for all the religious places where congregation of people is expected to be large like this to take all precautions to regulate the mobility of the devotees and ensure non-recurrence of such incidents-especially in places like Sabarmalai also which had incurred already brunt of such mishap in the past for once.
RE:Govt to take measures to avoid sucu incidents
by Annu Malik on Aug 03, 2008 10:25 PM Permalink
Mishap is due to bad karma of devotees, They must have sinned in their previous lives and had to pay in this life ---- Hinduism
RE:Govt to take measures to avoid sucu incidents
by mallaiah anchoori on Aug 05, 2008 05:49 AM Permalink
May be true to some extent.But Malik!Thinking like that,no govt worth its salt can shelve its primary responsibility of taking all preventive measures towards its people.