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gud morning india
by saahir on Apr 30, 2008 04:15 AM   Permalink | Hide replies

well looking fwd for a gas project not just the political statements.

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  RE:gud morning india
by john jacob on Apr 30, 2008 05:31 AM   Permalink
Ahmanijad fangs are out becoz he has oil. Instead of using the money earned from oil to improve the life of his people he is trying to divide the world into supporters of america and haters of america. its not going to work. america will exist and be dominant power in the world affairs no matter recession or no recession but iran will be forgotten once there oil wells dry up.
What has iran done for the world, NOTHING.
All good things enjoyed by the present generation has originated from US of A. You name it, telephone, aeroplane, TV, satellite tv, mobile phone service, fax and then the great communication revolution internet, which has changed the world. Whats is iran,s contribution in all these or any of these named or anything else. before accusing america, he should think of how/what iran can contribute for the world and humanity at large. We do not agree with everything what US does, certainly not but there is no country which can come anywhere near US or there way of life and there continuous strive for excellence. All educated indians want to go to USA to pursue and advance their carrers, does any go to iran? so ahmanijad and others like him should earn the respect of the world and then world will respect them like the world respects USA, Japan, Germany, China and now India

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  RE:gud morning india
by Dennis Crasta on Apr 30, 2008 07:01 AM   Permalink
Hey Guys,
We are not forming any strategic alliance with Iran, What ever the President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was his view of the US. Let us look at this with a open mind frame. As the entire world knows that we Indians are very intelligent so is our current Prime Minister, He know that currently our need is for a source of energy is great for economic progress. Currently our greatest enemy is Pakistan (no doubting that) so instead of having a alliance with Pakistan (for the IPI pipeline) where they just to pressurize us can hinder the supply, he tried to have a alliance with the US. Now because it is not working out due to the Communist parties in India he is trying to get the energy from the only other option avaliable i.e. IPI Pipeline. We Indians should not be affected by these things. We should always look at what is good for us and to our country. Economic development is the only way to Power. Remember there is a saying in hindi KAAM PADNE PAR GHADHE KO BHI BAAP BANA PADTHA HAI (When in need there is no reason why you call a donkey as your savior). Take Care.... Don't argue try spending your energies in Making India a great Economic Power. Jai Hind.

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