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Hamid Karzai escapes assassination bid
by raman govindan on Apr 27, 2008 04:04 PM   Permalink

the secular and marxixt elements came to power in afghanistan with the help of the then sovit russia. the fundamentalists and taliban displaced them with the help of zia's pakistan and reagon's US. now again US is trying to force out the talibanand fundamentalists from afghanistan after 9/11. and pakistan has no lofty interst except that it's nieighbour bania india, tribal afghanistan, shia iran stays in a disturbed condition and that they develop at a leeser pace than them. the ruling elite (the army included,)thus can continue to be masters of the country with the help of mullahs and army citing the threat to their country . poor afghanistan. afganistan has elements that are permanent feature of that country that disturb it whether it remains unnoticed, marxixt, talibanised, fundamenatalist or on way to democracy. china is a silent spectator and enjoys the events as they favour it in political and economic terms without a little bit effort on it's part.

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