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Response to
by ManLion on Apr 20, 2008 09:56 AM   Permalink | Hide replies

No knowledge is better than "half knowledge". Taking only what one wants from mythology is very dangerous. I am sure, if one scans the Bible and the Quran, one can find things which are abhorent in this modern world.
If my memory is right, the 5 Pandavas did not cohabit with Draupadi on a day to day basis.
Similarly, the war was on account of Kauravas refusal even to give 5 villages for Pandavas.
What's America doing the world over, fighting wars? Why are they not helping the Tibetians, like they are doing in Iraq? Isn't it because Iraq has oil and was weak, when compared to China.

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  RE:Response to
by murli nair on Apr 21, 2008 06:53 PM   Permalink
What is wrong with that. Why should they help Tibet ? Every country does anything for their own benefit.

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