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Rahul Gandhi
by Surendra Borkar on Apr 19, 2008 11:04 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

Firstly, Rahul should marry with any Indian Girl because the Indian people need a person from Indira Family, he is already entering in high age group. No doubt he is next PM of our Country and he will punish the people behind his father murder. The Indian politicians can do any thing for their own political gain, they can left the party join other parties on caste and creed. Madam Mayawati, said that Mr. Rahul must work to get additional funds to UP. No doubt he will do it and he has already done in Amethi and Raibareli, but this country is having more than 28 states and union govt. control regions, if all money goes to only UP then what about a dalits living in north east and Ladhak, they are most poor dalits. No doubt the UP have more MP is parliament it does not mean that they can control the union of india. I do not understand the politics of UP and Bihar people. They do not want to start a SSI unit in their own village, they are not inviting businessman to start industry in their village without fears, and blaming to Maharashtra that the agitations are infrignment of their fundamental rights, it is in correct. One MP of Shiv Sena rightly said that if the father of boy not feeding their boy, definately he will go to other house and beg. In short any state will increase the polution and getting more MP and then dictating to union government. I feel we need marshal law atleast for five years, but I am afraid atleast we can catch the leaders and officers, but in marshal law

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  RE:Rahul Gandhi
by parvinder on Apr 20, 2008 12:04 AM   Permalink
Rahul is fit for Roadshows only .. and all these are part of that roadshow. let him do some nautanki for some more time and then he will just disappear with his GF when he will not get votes in next elections.

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  RE:Rahul Gandhi
by Loan Shark on Apr 19, 2008 11:16 PM   Permalink
rahul can marry whoever he wants ... why just an Indian ... it doesn't matter if he marris a columbian or a brazilian, a christian or a jew

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  RE:Rahul Gandhi
by Vishwamitra Singh on Apr 20, 2008 02:48 AM   Permalink

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  RE:Rahul Gandhi
by Pradip Parekh on Apr 19, 2008 11:53 PM   Permalink
don't give a monotheist line. not whoever he wants; whoever he can get to agree. he did allegedly try "whoever he wants", and now stands accused of rape.

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  RE:Rahul Gandhi
by prabhat mohanty on Apr 20, 2008 02:12 AM   Permalink
It takes only 5 minutes to set up a web site accusing "you" of rape.

And trust me the web site will not have my name or contact address.

After all, if AlQuada can have websites, why not "friends of BJP"?

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  RE:Rahul Gandhi
by ranjith nair on Apr 19, 2008 11:30 PM   Permalink
you seem to have got it all figured out, einstein! thank god, you ran out of words...! i suggest you use your superior intellect to solving problems like global warming! a suggestion to that front... stop being such a gas bad spewing out hot air! it will reduce global warming to a great extent!

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