She is the daughter of India and represents Aam Adami more than Rahul, who is a a fake Indian, a fake Brahmin and a fake Italian. He is a gadaah and has no resepct for people of disadvantaged class. India is not his maan kee zamindari...
RE:I am with Mayawati
by gregory naik on Apr 20, 2008 01:33 AM Permalink
Why dont you ask the Daughter of India, who has around 50 Bank accounts and each account has over5 Crore in it. to take out and use for the beefit of Aam Aadmi. She is just using the poor people to fill up her bank and busy erecting her statues. How can people be so blind. Please dont talk in her support, who are the people who are gifting her in crores, and hwy are they gifting her that kind of money did you ever thought about it because she is just helping the rich people to acquire some land and build buildings and so on... She is a big loss for UP and its development.
RE:I am with Mayawati
by Kris on Apr 20, 2008 01:50 AM Permalink
Congress goons and sonia parivar have ruled UP for 40 years. Let Mayawati rule for atleast two terms. If she does not deliver, one can throw her out.
BJP, if they were sensible ( which they are not), would support Mayawati for greater good of India. It would help heal wounds of those Hindus shunned by higher caste.
However, with unimaginative 90 yr old Advani at the helm, one cannot expect such dynamism. Advani sees rath..and only rath. So when is he riding his rath again...any BJP supporter care to tell us.
RE:I am with Mayawati
by Vishwamitra Singh on Apr 20, 2008 02:45 AM Permalink
Poor souls. Anybody who has money is not backward. so by no imagination Mayawati is backward. Otherthan making Ambedkar statue and amassing welth she has done nothing for poor people. We need to change the administartive set up. Any party which promises the change should be voted to power be it INC, BJP or Mayawati. The system of governance need the change. Set the agenda for governance.
RE:RE:I am with Mayawati
by Kris on Apr 20, 2008 01:54 AM Permalink
If she were my age, I'd love to have her as my GF :-) I don't think, you understand how dificult it is to come up from a humble background to reach where she is today, especially in a country like Inida..
RE:I am with Mayawati
by gregory naik on Apr 20, 2008 04:00 AM Permalink
Coming up and staying there is the priciest thing or a acheivement, and she is not therer at all, if you are working hard why would you want you statues everywhere come on man where does staues some in place with working it seems like she is more of busy finding place to erect her statues everywhere, and what development has she done in this one term point out please cause i am really unaware of this, most of the times she cam on TV just to accept gifts and erect statues.
RE:I am with Mayawati
by Sam on Apr 20, 2008 01:29 AM Permalink
I dont know if kris is educated or not. but you are definately illeterate Arif. supporting that italian monkey