am Indian and live in USA, I am witnessing an unprecedented price rise in groceries for the last 6 months. I have cut down a lot of my expenses due to this unprecedented price rise. The price of petrol/gasoline is almost touching $4.0 which was $2.10 just a year ago. This price rise of commodities is hitting everybody across the world. This is mainly attributed to the diversion of crops like corn, sugarcane etc to produce biofuels in USA and other advanced countries and the war in iraq. What I mean to say is that the present government in India is not fully responsible for the hardship caused by price rise of food products but this happening everywhere.
RE:Price rise a Global Phenomena
by Ram Sharma on Apr 20, 2008 11:17 AM Permalink
what is the meaning of repeating the same message again and again blocking lot of space?
U r also wrong in saying that inflation in USA is same as in India. What is the inflation in USA? It will definitely not b more than 2% against more than 7% here.
RE:Price rise a Global Phenomena
by ashish tiwari on Apr 20, 2008 12:25 PM Permalink
Has Sonia paid you for writing this comment or you are a Christian missornay? Do not try to fool us. We know that as elections are coming the Congress is trying to collect bribes from the traders who then get a license to increase prices and loot the public