RE:Why this show sha
by samson judas on Apr 18, 2008 09:40 AM Permalink
Dear friend, It is we who elect and select the ,as U so call the Italian waitress!! Why cant we elect or select the so called Lalloo or any other in India. Are we sso scared to do it!!Then where is the peoples power my dear friend?!!
RE:Why this show sha
by samson judas on Apr 18, 2008 09:46 AM Permalink
Dear Hitesh, Why & who has broken our spines?!! I guess U know the answer!!Then we can be ruled by anybody, as the past history shows!Thats it,what we shall get,if we dont straighten our spines!!
RE:Why this show sha
by Sahadevan KK on Apr 18, 2008 02:04 PM Permalink
Hindu Terrorists do the same in the name of Bhagwan Sriram.
Pope Benedict has held a surprise meeting with victims of sex abuse by priests during his visit to the United States. Before a crowd of nearly 50,000, the Pope raised the issue of child sex abuse by priests, which is the central theme.
He acknowledged what he called "the indescribable pain" caused by the scandal.