I belong to the generation of Dr.Kotnis who led a medical mission to China . We have always symthised with China in it struggle against the Japanese and others. During the 5000 years of the history of both of us we never nursed any ambition against one another. The 1962 episode was an unfortunate aberration and the developments since then show that the Chinese did have a ;prima facie case.At the same time our action in giving shellter to the Dalai Lama and the Tibetans whocrossed over shows that we have dared to stand against China when we felt that it was wrong. A Pakistani diplomat has recorded a conversation Panditaji had with his secretary about the ;possible Chinese intentions . So it is not as it were that we were caught unawares. Our almost going out of the way in offering protection to the Olympic Torch would not go unnoticed world over and also in China. In fact where France and even USA failed in ensuring complelte security tothe flame we guarded it throughout its journey here.
RE:The Olympic torch
by VSR on Apr 18, 2008 07:06 AM Permalink
So what? Do you or Govt of India has got guts to fight against China for Tibetians? Forget about Tibet was part of China a century before or not. Today it is part of China and to visit that place, everyone need Chinese visa and that is it. No point in talking about what Nehru, Chou did half a century ago. According to me, no one did anything. Now America entered Afganistan and Iraq. You dont know, after 50 years, America may ultimately own these countries. What will you do? Keep talking about world peace?