The event turned out to be Non event!!! But communists like it this way.....all security and people kept off!!! Karat and Yechury are hosting a party today in Delhi for the 'successful' torch relay...All are welcome!!!
RE:Non event!!!
by BrotherhoodofNod on Apr 18, 2008 10:25 AM Permalink
rediff moderaters are owned by congress.. shame on u commie moderators.. commie rediff.
RE:Non event!!!
by Bond on Apr 18, 2008 10:47 AM Permalink
My dear rediff is controlled by BJP thats why every other day they have something related to muslims and muslim bashing starts,
RE:Non event!!!
by alien on Apr 18, 2008 11:18 AM Permalink
B- Bond, No body controlled by anyparty.Right thing is always right. for example: sun rise in the east. earht rotation around the sun etc. i mean when u are right then that is right. it does not matter u belong to which party.