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by rani suri on Apr 18, 2008 08:15 AM   Permalink | Hide replies

I want to congratulate the tibetan protesters for a good show yesterday. Keep up a slow sustained protest thru out the olympics. Forget the Indian govt, the people support you.

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by Anand on Apr 18, 2008 08:34 AM   Permalink
Yes true Indian people's spirit is highly democratic and morally support Democracy all across. But this moment in history does want something more than moral support from people of India and all across world who believe in righteousness and democracy. When their respective governments are failing to act for humanity and civil right. Since Tibetian protests are non voilent and strength of their resistance against foreign chinese rule lies in non voilence. We, all who believe in right means and right ends should not just give verbal and moral support. All we can do is not buy chinese goods and make the oppresive regime of china weak.

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