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India and China - a contrast
by Krish Karthik on Apr 18, 2008 10:41 AM   Permalink | Hide replies

China has always known its national interest. Its leaders are uncompromising on what serves the nation best. They don't cling to fossilised ideologies. Mao is today in the dust-bin. Like once India was the land where all antiquated technologies could be sold, today we're a land where outdated ideologies can find faithful followers.China has understood in today's world economic power is very important. It has moved in that direction with no holds barred. The Olympics would be the pinnacle of its power.We, on the other hand, crawl when asked to bend and lie down when asked to bend. We have too many albatross around our neck. Our leaders cannot look beyond their nose. Their concern is the next election and the promised loot everytime they're in office. After having made Kerala and West Bengal an industrial wasteland the Marxist junkies want to reduce India to be a lackey of China, the commie super power so that they feel less orphaned after the collapse of the Soviet imperialist empire.That we had to have Chinese officials at the table while discussing the security arrangement and Chinese merceneries in the rally to protect the torch is a hard slap in the face of this sovereign republic that we don't seem to notice. When u sup with the devil with 60 odd MPs, u cannot but accede to these ugly spectacles. Who cares for the national pride? What nation? The kingdom of Marx is close at hand. Sing internationale. Ask 'The Hindu', the Chennai edition of the People's Daily of China.

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  RE:India and China - a contrast
by alien on Apr 18, 2008 11:07 AM   Permalink
Do see monkeys in zoo. if not do to parliament then entertain .... who care for nation? democracy is badly flopped in India.sysytem is not bad but misuse it by their convenieance. this is called Indian Democracy system. if u poor then This is HELL U and if you have money, Heaven for You.

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  RE:India and China - a contrast
by Vishnu Sharma on Apr 19, 2008 07:27 AM   Permalink
Excellent analysis. There is still hope for India as long as people like you and me are alive.

We are the last line of defence. The white blood corpuscles of an ailing nation. It is indeed a time to DO OR DIE.

The only thing that is needed is that we need to coalesce and form a political party which will act like a scourge in INDIA and rid it of evils.

Let us undo all that needs to be undone !

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