by PKN on Apr 18, 2008 11:27 PM Permalink
Could not put it better. Yes Ansar Burney people like this man prove that after all India and Pakistan could work together putting all the past bitterness behind us.
by Yaqoot Mir on Apr 19, 2008 12:07 AM Permalink
Why because he is trying to save a convicted terrorist that is Indian? then how come when we try and save kashmiris from terrorism we are called sponsors of terror? please.
by babar on Apr 19, 2008 12:58 PM Permalink
Problem with indians is that they see humanity only related to themselves.They do address the root cause of the problem but try to imagine what could have happened rather than knowing facts.Why dont they themselves visit places like kashmir to see how their media is fooling them and how gov is playing a part on supressing kashmiris.Finally they will argue that any muslim is a terrorist and occupation of kahsmir by indian forces is legtimate .when they hear that most kashmiris want the indian and pakistani forces and their influence out of kahsmir they come up with abuses..may be that is the real face of so called indian democracy.which instead of progressing depletes day by day.Ask a common kashmiri and your wil get the answer which as an indian one may not like ..kashmir for kashmiris others are occupiers