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Why bother with this torch run ?
by Chris on Apr 17, 2008 11:57 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

The Olympics have become a just a big commercial circus. And on top of that, these Olympics are being hosted by our arch-enemy, China. Why should India be falling all over themselves, trying to protect the Olympics torch, spending so much money on the security arrangements? India should have curtly told the Chinese, that due to the tense situation, the torch-run through India would not be possible. Imagine all the money and effort that could have been saved, if we had simply canceled.
The security-men on this torch-assignment seem to have been given proper riot-protection gear, in sharp contrast to the the poor policemen in Kashmir, who are forced to face hordes of stone-throwing Islamic barbarians on a daily basis, without being provided with any decent riot-protecion gear, and with the additional foolish constraint being placed upon them, that the police may not fire upon these pieces-of-garbage throwing rocks at the police, because, our Congress government of Manmohammed Singh and Phonyia Gandhi would hate to see any 'innocent' Kashmiri rioter getting injured.

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  RE:Why bother with this torch run ?
by gpit on Apr 18, 2008 02:40 AM   Permalink
Peaceful? you mean killing and burning are peaceful?

What a joke! Your free thinking is truly comical.

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  RE:Why bother with this torch run ?
by Ramesh Iyer on Apr 18, 2008 06:46 AM   Permalink
You will do more than this and will say it will be for right cause if it comes to you

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  RE:Why bother with this torch run ?
by Rocky Marciano on Apr 18, 2008 06:15 AM   Permalink
I'm sure these BJP guys would have been raving mad at the tibetans if BJP was running the govt.and the tibetans had rioted.The BJP /bajrang dal goons would then have beaten up the tibetans to death would'nt they?

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  RE:RE:Why bother with this torch run ?
by Ramesh Iyer on Apr 18, 2008 06:47 AM   Permalink
They would not have done like this when COmmunits propping the Go-vernment

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