Karat and Yechury angry, why did the Dalai blame China??? According to the Indian communists, Tibetans are destroying themselves and blaming the good Chinese??? Notice the absurdity????????????????????
RE:Karat and Yechury angry!!!
by Gummadivally MuraliKrishna on Apr 15, 2008 05:09 PM Permalink
not just two of them the whole communists be it cpm, cpi or any other party have thier roots in the philosophy of their masters in china. Naturally they cannot tolerate anything against thier masters.These fellows and thier governments have the guts to ban tibetians rallies in west bengal. They cried foul when supreme court banned strikes. They claimed that freedom to express thier views is being scuttled. What they are doing now is just the same that they were against. These guys and these parties are nothing but rogues of the first kind and totally anti democratic and anti nationals. They should be thrown out of this county's politics.