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Creamy Layer and Cong's chicanery
by Bodh Ramdeo on Apr 15, 2008 07:35 AM   Permalink

Kaangress is already huddled together, trying to figure out any and every illegal and unlawful way to get around the SC's strictures against the "Creamy Layer" commandeering the OBC quotas - the already rich and upwardly mobile will monopolize the 27% quota, leaving the already poor and destitute and unconnected OBC's the exact situation they were before the SC's ruling. Soon everuy one of Lalu's family and thier relatives anf their friends and their crnies will apply for benefits under this ruling, and so will Mayawati's family,relatives, friends, and cronies and so would Soren.., and so would Harunanidhi...and so would all the other wealthy and well-connected OBCs. Nothing changes for those who need it the most - only the creamy layer will benefit.

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