Most of the Chinese people know how the government treat them.i mean, most of us know we have no large-space freedom as you have and we know our government are hiding things from us, but we support them. Why? because it is them that leading China to a stronger power in the world. And we all understand if we are economically strong, there will be no countries especially western countries invading us any more. If you are weak in this modern world, you will be ignored and beat by others, DEFINITELY.
we give our government maximum understand and bear because we were under western power's invasion for hundreds of years. We know the insult and we will never forget about it. it is rooted in every Chinese person's heart.
India is also a civilised developing country. Hell yeah, it is also developing, we also cannot blame it for its current poor, its corrupt, its low-efficiency or other bad things because I know it is your own motherland.
Sometimes when i read Indian Daily or some websites, i really feel some Indian people didnot view from their own feeling but just speak out irresponsibly which hurt Chinese people, respecting Inida and treat India from total understanding of its unperfection, like me.
India is a distressful country as China. I hope Indian people also remember its humiliation history and think indepently. That is what a powerful country should act.
RE:we know what our government is doing
by naval digaria on Apr 07, 2008 09:32 PM Permalink
Dear Mr. Lee,
I thought so you are Chinese when I read your reply on the Arjun's post. Every country has right to be economically strong but not at the expense of the humanity. You seem to have wrong information on Indians, we are peace loving people and do not poke our nose in other country's matter like Americans. Our most of the problems are created by our neighbors. Like Mr. Arjun has said, your Government tries to poke us on so many issues. Please understand that we Indians are sensitive about the Border issue. We can not forget how China backstabbed us in 1962. At present we suffer from communist terrorism sponsered by Chinese Government. Chinese army regularly cross the line of Actual control, so it is Chinese who are instigating us. You should not expect love when you hate somebody.
RE:we know what our government is doing
by on Apr 07, 2008 09:15 PM Permalink
Please dont defend lack of rights as necessary to fight the west. The west didnt become powerful by having dictators killing millions. India has a long way to go. But yes we can vote out our politicians. We can expose the corruption and we can do all that to make us a stronger country. What has china agained after the humiliation from the west.. more humiliation from the commies...
RE:we know what our government is doing
by Mayya Suresh on Apr 08, 2008 11:39 AM Permalink
Hey Lee, Find out in the Chinese rule books. It might be illegal for Chinese to access rediff as this site might be one of those western media outlets that do incorrect reporting on China. You have been fed from your childhood the CCP propaganda and in practise your nation is an expansionist nation. How else can one describe the expanding Chinese military. Thanks largely to our incompetent leaders in Delhi, you guys must be having a field-day...enjoy it, because bad days are just round the corner and your leaders' evil designs are likey to be exposed.
RE:we know what our government is doing
by Raymond Lee on Apr 08, 2008 02:04 PM Permalink
Mr. Suresh, I dont want to argue with you about our political standpoints. I am browsing in China now and I dont think India can give anyone more freedom to go to the politics than i am in China, especially for the poor ones. Also, when I judge our government from two sides and from a entire view, you can also leave alone your bias.
RE:we know what our government is doing
by Suresh Nair on Apr 08, 2008 10:05 AM Permalink
Dear Lee, you remember the humiliation suffered at the hands of westerners. Why are you now humiliating the residents of Tibet in the same way that the westerners humiliated you?
Most Indians don't have any ill feeling towards the British. Probably, deep down we understand what Gandhiji meant when he said, 'An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind'.