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my comment
by tony goo on Apr 08, 2008 12:40 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

I tried to put some opinions on the message board regarding the Tibet riot on Rediff, then I found some of them could not appear. There is a censorship behind this biggest website of India. My blog also could be deleted some day by Rediff, and I will not feel strange at that time.
Regarding the news of unrest of Tibet, many Indians are so excited and reasonless. It seems that not so many Indian people concerned about the reality happened in Lahsa on 14 Mar,08. Most of them just attack the neighboring country immediately without a logical reasoning.
I am a normal employee working for a Sino-US Joint-Venture with any communism background. I talked with some people, so my opinion should represent the idea of some Chinese people. After viewing the news ,columns and comments of Tibet, I tried to summerize as followings:
1. Indian concerned more about boarder issues with China, rather than Tibet issue.
2. Few netizens in Rediff inveast the reality in Lahsa on Mar 14.
3. Few netizens know China well. Almost noby ever visit Lahsa or other city in China. Their understanding still stops in the memery of 30 years ago.
4. The relation between India and China is still weak.
to be finished soon...

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  RE:my comment
by Kaushik Das on Apr 08, 2008 02:54 PM   Permalink
Haha - my blog on rediff was once deleted. I never came to know the reason why. It was not based on any controversial topic either.
I wrote to the address given and it bounced.

I then wrote to rediff and the mail bounced. Apparently, the address itself was incorrect (behind the link) - I stripped the extra characters off the address and resent it. I got an out of office reply saying that the person was on leave and will be back after 14 days. Over two years have passed.

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  RE:my comment
by Sincere Citizen on Apr 08, 2008 01:15 PM   Permalink
You have to realise why Indians do not like the Chinese in fact many people from world dont like them too.

And when we say Chinese its not the common Chinese person but their power hungry , crazy rulers who think they want to rule the entire world.

If someone calls you brother and attacks you then there certainly is not going to be any love between the two.

We have had very bad experience with Chinese govt. till date, they behave rudely with us, back stabbed us, constantly helped Pakistan against us, grabbed our land and claim a huge piece of our current land.

And they forcefully took Tibet too, who cares what the Chinese think we think they are power and land hungry despots.

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