There is an ad on TV that explains how most TV Channel show programmes where the discussion is all "Blah! Blah! Blah!". This has an analogy with the Kashmir situation in that the general public is still waiting for the one channed that will be different and not all Blah! Myriads of Secretaries and Secretaries to Secretaries have made careers out of the situation as it exists with not resolution in sight. Perhaps it suit those in Office that no solution be found!
RE:Pak firm on its 'historic stand' on Kashmir
by IMPARTIAL on Apr 06, 2008 04:18 PM Permalink
Nirpinder, It is really wonderful. I do not know you but it seems that you have access to classified files on India and Pak's inner policy on Kashmir.THAT POLICY SEEMS TO BE "KEEP THE PROBLEM ALIVE" Few months ago one of my relative who is a 3-star army general told us that we can create a new Kashmir in the deserts of Rajsthan with 'amount of money we are spending directly and indirectly in one year'. He said he means it and it is understandable and agreeable to common man as well. He also told that Kashmir has no strategic importance even in changed world scenario.
At present, for India, to hold Kashmir is fulfilment of obligation to pro-india people of whole of J&K state and for Pak it is still a 'mean of survival' as it was on 14-08-47.
If Pak change its statement, they stand nowhere in islamic world and before their own hardliner public who really have made sacrifices.