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by Govinda on Apr 04, 2008 09:12 AM   Permalink | Hide replies

There is only one hinderence - Hyde Act.
USA should have deal without any binding of this act. President BUSH if wish can do this , rather than only pursuing with same terms.

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by Raghu on Apr 04, 2008 09:19 AM   Permalink
Govinda, Beggars cannot be choosers you see... You want nuclear fuel from abroad yet you put your own conditions.

Why will any country compromise on its own principles or priorities.

For Eg do you want to continue to export Maruti cars and SRK shows into Pakistan even if there is a major war being fought with it?

No country can give such assurances, Hyde act will stay and will be applicable. Take it or leave it. Its India who is having high expectations.

It is this foolish REDS who are goofing it all. Go thru the record of the friends of Communist china.

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