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by kalyan ram on Sep 27, 2007 06:45 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

even if india was able to get hold of these books by bhagat singh from pakistan, they will still rot in indian libraries under congress is well known that it was mahatma gandhi who gave his consent to the british for hanging bhagat singh....congress was against revolution of any kind in india.....congress instead wants indian people to be drowned in bollywood films, shopping, modern luxuries, sex etc.....why do they want indian people to become revolutionaries by reading the books of bhagat singh?, the congress is more than happy on seeing the bhagat singh's books rotting with worms in pakistani libraries....

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by rkjack on Sep 27, 2007 07:04 PM   Permalink
You are right, it was conspiracy of Nehru to hang Bagat singh as he was quite feared with the popularity of the Bhagat Singh. If he would have alive, the Nehru and Gandhi would have not got more popularity than Bhagat Singh. I believe he would have lead the nation in right path and till today the India would have been the developed and the powerful nation in the world. America would have no where in the history of powerful nation.

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Bhagat Singh's books rotting in Lahore