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Mr.Minister Naveen Pattaniak... WAKE UP
by anup kumar dey on Sep 24, 2007 04:53 PM   Permalink

Mr.CM, You have been in power for last 10 years what good have u done to the state as a whole, if you ask me I dont see anything tangile growth in any corner of the state.., only U must have signed more MOU's then anyother CM of Orissa before u, signing MOU's doesnt make the state progrssive all this has to move from planning stage to implementation then only it makes some lagible sense , on the natural calamities even though its a known fact of the geographic position of the state and how it is effected by nature time & again but neither the central nor the state govt. is bothered by it as this are the reasons they need absolutely for there own-self vote bank as next time they return to poeple they can highlight on the poor showing of the ruling we are all aware of the simplicity and human side of the people of Orissa , they will forget there pains and horrifying nights of rain & storm and flock to vote again. My dear Orissiates please stop voteing for these corrupt & dis-honest politicians ..... Mr.CM. please wake up and do some good with your manageably speaking oriya and fluently speaking english to cinvince your good friends in central and also ur local opposition to build a strong and wealthy STATE known as ORISSA ... WHERE WE CAN BE PROUD OF TO SAY THAT I AM FROM ORISSA & THERE WONT BE ANY FROWN ON THE FACE OR ANY RAISED EYE-BROWS !!

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