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So who is our friend?
by Satya ss on Sep 14, 2007 01:31 AM   Permalink | Hide replies

Pakistan, Muslims or China or Nepal or Russia?
Great to have these suppressors as our real friends?
Karat you are an idiot and hopefully ppl can see, you should shut up and let more intelligent ppl handle the issues. Aren't you happpy with what you have already achieved, this is the limit for you communists.
Enemies Enemies are friends, so US is enemy of muslims so they are our friends...perid.

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  RE:So who is our friend?
by MOHAMMED HAIDER on Sep 14, 2007 01:58 AM   Permalink
Enemies of muslims are your friends. What illeterate of describing progress of country. Shame on you for period you and persons like you who lives on this earth. Glory to the ppl when such people dies. You will die in hatred, with you such approach and some time you may not wake from your sleep with you such attitudes.

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  RE:RE:So who is our friend?
by Haroon Rasheed on Sep 14, 2007 02:25 AM   Permalink
Salam Haider Bhai,

Control yourself when you see such comments, just by passing these comments we cannot achieve anything. When people are passing such comments it is because they do not think and we have to think in a positive way, if we are with Allah then Allah will be with us. Remember what Allah did to Firon and others, he same thing will happen even to America and their supporters. Holy Month of Ramzan have come so pray to Allah whole heartedly then see America will be submerged in the ocean by his Kahar. Remember American Supporters you have no other way but to die along with him when Allah sends his kahar in the form of Tsunami and floods. Stop killing us otherwise face your destiny.

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  RE:So who is our friend?
by bobby j on Sep 14, 2007 02:40 AM   Permalink
To Harron Rasheed
Guy for whom you have written down things in hatred is too poor try from your end my friend. U are asking for natural disaster in America??? How kiddish..what if it comes in India,Pakistan or Iraq/Turkey??? Will that mean that Allah wants to punish Muslims??? I hope believe in urself and kill them if u think so..don't expect Allah to do so coz he looks for good things to be asked by human being isn't it??? Plz try asking something good for's good possibility that Allah will fullfill it specially in the month of Ramzan...meri bhai

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  RE:RE:RE:So who is our friend?
by bobby j on Sep 14, 2007 02:45 AM   Permalink
Haroon...In Indonesia there was Tsunami..maximum number of Muslim people u think they were hated by Allah???

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  RE:RE:RE:RE:So who is our friend?
by raj on Sep 14, 2007 09:13 PM   Permalink
And guess who was there to help the Muslims in Indonesia? Australians and Americans .And many Christian organizations.

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  RE:So who is our friend?
by raj on Sep 14, 2007 09:11 PM   Permalink
MOHAMMED HAIDER , nobody want to say such things. You peoples actions forced us to say such strong words. Just like US was forced ,by killing 3000 innocent people on Sept 11th 2001.Up until that time US didnt get involved in Afganistan or in Iraq. It did save Kuwait from Butcher Sadham. How come you don't feel anything when Terrorist kill Kashmiris. You people can do and say anything. When someone say some thing back you dont like it? Too bad.All due to your people's action.

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  RE:So who is our friend?
by Haroon Rasheed on Sep 14, 2007 02:19 AM   Permalink

I feel pity on you, Why do you hate muslims like this, when you can type this comment then please use commonsense before expressing anything being an educated person. America is killing Muslims because we are stopping him from doing wrong things but you people think he is doing good. He has killed so many muslims all around the globe for no reason and you are encouraging that, please think an act that is what Socrates has told everyone in order to make the nation great. If you want to think like this go and live in America for one day an try to make some friends then you will come to know the difference between Muslims and Americans. Allah is always with us and will be, I don't want to pass any bad comment on you because I am a Muslim and Muhammed has always Taught us when someone throws stone on you then you shower flowers on them. May Allah Shower more blessings on you and give you good mind in order to do good to people. AAMEEN.

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  RE:So who is our friend?
by Sameer K on Sep 14, 2007 02:40 AM   Permalink
Mr Mullah Muslim deserve that because they slaughtered the ppl all over the world to spread islam. now face the reaction you have no right to talk abt muslims killing.

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  RE:RE:So who is our friend?
by gavinolla reddy on Sep 14, 2007 02:36 AM   Permalink
Haroon Rasheed,
I like the way u think.

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  RE:So who is our friend?
by yes boss on Sep 14, 2007 03:06 AM   Permalink
muslims are a curse on this planet that is why america, tsunami and paki earthquake kills muslims. muslims think that other people are kafirs or infidels and by killing them or converting them to islam would get them heaven. muslims terrorise people all over the world they are rakshas children. muslims do jihad against other religions . muslims dont respect other faiths. muslims kill innocent people by beheading them.

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  RE:RE:So who is our friend?
by Satya ss on Sep 14, 2007 09:14 AM   Permalink
Everyone knows who the bad and worst guys..Obviously Muslims and Chinese. Always plotting and carrying out some terrorism to kill innocent non-muslims across the world. American's are the strongest and they will happily kick your useless muslim a*s*s*e*s

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  RE:RE:So who is our friend?
by raj on Sep 14, 2007 09:15 PM   Permalink
I live in America. No problem , Free country unlike your Saudi and Iran.

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  RE:RE:So who is our friend?
by Golden on Sep 14, 2007 02:40 AM   Permalink
khahhari wa ghaffari wa khuddusi wa jabroot,
yeh chaar anasir hon to banta hai musalmaan.

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  RE:So who is our friend?
by raj on Sep 14, 2007 01:39 AM   Permalink
Mr.Karat you are nothing but an opportunist.You are exploiting the sitivation by using this as an issue inorder to win the next election.Nothing to do with national interest. Your doomed Communist ideology is a utter failure. Can you show one country in the Universe which is doing great by adopting Communist principles. Are you going to say CHINA? Sorry, not anymore , They adopted Capitalist, free mkt economic policy. Goverment is Communist thats all.

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  RE:So who is our friend?
by MOHAMMED HAIDER on Sep 14, 2007 02:01 AM   Permalink
To Satya,
Enemies of muslims are your friends. What illeterate way of describing progress of any country. Shame on you for period peoples like you, including you live on this earth. Glory for the peoples when such people die. You will die in hatred, with your such approach and some time you may not wake from your sleep with you such attitude.

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  RE:So who is our friend?
by Golden on Sep 14, 2007 02:39 AM   Permalink
dont say like that, say enemies of muslims are your masters. forget that they will ever accept you as their friend. once afghan fighters were their friend and when they found that afghans are not ready to live under their rule they started killing afghans. indians specially hindus are just living like slave in usa. do you think they will give respect to you? it is pity to see you like people growing like insects.
usa is today targeting muslims otherwise it is same usa which supported pakistan when india was at war with pakistan.
we have no problem as every body dies we too will die but we shall not allow you to have a sigh of relief. if you hate us your hatred will kill you. we live for Allah and die for Allah and hindus in india live for usa and die for usa.
what a crap you are supporting to the tyranny of usa who is drinking the blood of muslims and eating the flesh of muslims but you are not able to see that at the same time usa is making you their slave. a slave likes salvery only, you will never like to enjoy freedom. only people with gut can fight for the right and good and only crap like you can support who is doing bad to the world. one day you will understand but it will be too late.
may God send his wrath upon you. may God make you feel the pain of hell in this world itself, may God show you what bad he can do in this world itself.

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  RE:RE:So who is our friend?
by bobby j on Sep 14, 2007 02:42 AM   Permalink
To Golden
U say u live for Allah and die for Allah and hindus in india live for usa and die for usa.What a joke....if America bombs u in ur will be coz of bomb that u will die not coz of Allah...plz don't use name of God for ur death...u idiot

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