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Leftists are a bad choice as friend
by abbey K on Sep 14, 2007 04:45 AM   Permalink | Hide replies

Congress realizes now that alliance with Lefts was
worst decision. They have not been able to do a single fruitful thing till they came into power due to their companions

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  RE:Leftists are a bad choice as friend
by sandeep adimadhyam on Sep 14, 2007 05:23 AM   Permalink
I would agree to this any day, but in this case,
having seen the way US operates, I feel that the
Left, unusually is correct, sometimes fools are correct, wise get wiser by listening to them

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  RE:Leftists are a bad choice as friend
by raj on Sep 14, 2007 08:28 PM   Permalink
Sandeep, In this case YOUR COMMIE friends are dead wrong. Their aims is make sure China do better. Sandeep let me ask you , why Mr and Mrs Carrot(Karat) went to UK for education? How come they didnt go to Russia or China? We need Stong friends, US trust India. That was they said in CNN. We dont have A.Q Khan. And we never transfered the nuke tech: to any other countries. India is a resposible nation.This fool Karat is there to take care of Chinas interst.

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  RE:Leftists are a bad choice as friend
by Mahesh on Sep 14, 2007 05:46 AM   Permalink
India is trying to make a deal with USA and not with Bush.

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Karat warns PM