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Mr Karat pls stop your non-sense
by ashish sinha on Sep 14, 2007 07:10 AM   Permalink | Hide replies

I urge you to sto your loose talk. If you really wan your argument against nuclear deal to gain weightage, show me some numbers.

Show me how india is going to lose in terms of GDP and overall prosperity if the deal becomes operational.


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  RE:Mr Karat pls stop your non-sense
by Kashinath Nag on Sep 14, 2007 07:31 AM   Permalink
Why Indian Nuc. Scientists are not gearing up to implement their knowledge in the Energy sector?
Our politicians should encourage our N-Scientists to do so instead of argueing among themselves. They should do some works collectively for the country. But they have so much ego, how the country will develop?

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  RE:Mr Karat pls stop your non-sense
by Rams on Sep 14, 2007 07:19 AM   Permalink
For the first time the marxists have got hold to some power. Let them enjoy it. 123 deal will go through and so is the UPA govt for good. My only wish is is India taking on the gas pipeline project with Iran too. If we can do that we can hold bargaining power with the americans.

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Karat warns PM