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Careful while choosing friends, Karat tells PM
by Pratip Sen Gupta on Sep 14, 2007 06:17 AM   Permalink | Hide replies

Much as I suspect Karat's motives and own alliances and inclinations towards China, I cannot easily dismiss his advice. It never did anyone any good to be too close to USA or for that matter Russia or China.

A strong country need not tilt or seek dubious friendships. Learn from China that has no international friends and was as backward as India until a few years ago. It quiet went about its own business without seeking powerful friend and is now the second greatest power on Earth.

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  RE:Careful while choosing friends, Karat tells PM
by raj on Sep 14, 2007 08:16 PM   Permalink
Well Mr.Sen for your information US is "THE" biggest business partner of CHINA. Ever since that happened china's economy grew so fast.Now it is the fastest growing economy in the world.Sorry China is not the "second greatest power".It is Japan so far(economically)These achivement didnt come thru Communism. It came thru free market economic policy. Communism ia a thing of the past. But Mr.Karat and Mr.Bardhan both living in the past. Their head need to be examined.

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  RE:Careful while choosing friends, Karat tells PM
by S on Sep 14, 2007 06:29 AM   Permalink
What is meant by friendship? China has become strong only because of trade with USA and resultatnt access to capital. Let us not fool ourselves. Karat is acting as a Chinese agent, to stall India's march towards the source of great capital. Do you have any doubt about Karat's actions if such a deal was signed between Russia and India. He would have been rolling over hundred times in joy and hailed this as a great victory of Indian people.

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  RE:Careful while choosing friends, Karat tells PM
by shiva on Sep 14, 2007 06:43 AM   Permalink

I feel your sympathies to Karat is misplaced. The world has moved and we are not naive to become a valet of USA. We have to learn along the way and how others are looking after themselves than be isolated. No harm in doing business with USA and Bush only happens to be the president.

China is engaging USA in everyway and benefiting all along. Our efforts to become a member of Apec did not get any support while China was a star performer in Sydney. President Hu not only engaged Bush but also met a Taiwan leader! They are working with USA to denuclearise the failed state, North Korea.

Vietnam is embrasing USA, Europe etc. The Americans are assured safety in investments and many introduce and embrase them that they fought them few years ago. They are also reassured "you are safe, we have no muslims!"

The nuclear deal was negotiated by all our capable diplomats, scientists etc. Common, we have to give credit wehere it is due, everybody requires all especially USA and let us try to make the best of the choices than be afraid of every move. We should have self confidence.

We all know, we have to create wealth to distribute and we have to work for a rich man only. Why can't people like Karat engage North Korea and get some help? Let us look forward with confidence like China, with whom we are tagging ourseleves as the future of 21st century.

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Karat warns PM